Monday, February 4, 2008

Insult to Witches the World Over

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: "Liberal Bias in the media" makes me seem Witchy

"...It's bizarre. People are, like, she must be witchy. I think it's the liberal bias in the media that I'm the one who's argumentative..."

What an A-hole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, little Elisabeth. Well, maybe we should just test your "witchyness" by tossing you in a lake! Ha, ha.

The girl doesn't even deserve a post here. She's deluded about a great many things. She should be so lucky and blessed to be a witch!

When Elisabeth appeared on "Survivor," I actually liked her. Hmmm, must have been some "spell" she was casting. Now I just wish the food deprivation and weight loss she experienced had taken its toll.

Maybe I shouldn't say such things, but I just can't help myself...