Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Anti Sagan Blog-a-thon

Hedonistic Left and Global Warming

Now where the hell was this article for the Carl Sagan Blog-a-thon? What a pleasantly twisted surprise to find my favorite Carl Sagan quote--the one that inspired my blog--vilified over at Human Events!

...Note also that the elitists who make the most noise about the "purity" of nature never apply that concern to human nature: they have made careers out of corrupting it. The self-appointed prophets of an environmental apocalypse from Hollywood and New York are the forces most responsible for engineering a secularist culture which is remarkable in the history of all cultures for its moral obviousness and its utter indifference to the future, much less the moral welfare of children...

Damn, and I thought we had everyone fooled when we shed crocodile tears over Polar bears drowning in the mud:

...Their faith in global warming is so strong they find themselves demanding the sorts of duties and sacrifices they discount in any other area of life. The pushy and judgmental piety of relativists on environmental issues is bottomless, amounting to a quasi-pantheism. It appears that what pop scientist Carl Sagan once said is coming to pass: "A religion old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge..."

So that's what Carl Sagan was, a "pop scientist"! I suppose that means he got mail-order degrees from paper institutions, just like the charlatans who run Creationist and Intelligent Design "institutes". You gotta hand it to the author--he manages to demonize all the loony right's favorite targets: environmentalists, investigative journalists, concerned politicians, the majority of the world's scientists, plus intelligent and tolerant people the world over. It comes as no surprise he thinks we are the ones hell-bent on destroying the world as-he-knows-it, with our Hollywood-hyped Greenhouse propaganda! It's such a shame we were found out! We were all having such a good time laughing all the way to the Rapture, while enacting the real Apocalypse inducing threats to our planet: decadent lifestyles, abortion, secular humanism, and that final civilization leveling ace up Satan's farting hole--gay marriage!

I can't help noticing how much the Global warming deniers, Intelligent Design advocates, and other Dominionsts keep claiming the growing mountains of evidence of evolution, and increasing record breaking temperatures, is not proof of anything--but just some sort of New Age religion. I'm pretty sure everyone who follows such stories (and believe me, you have my sympathies for the patience to wade through such muck) has seen an up-tick in this technique. Most times I feel pieces like this are just hysterically funny, but it's frightening so many people actually believe such brain-dead crap. I suppose we can find comfort in the fact that the writer is so terribly wrong about everything. It's nice to be on the opposite side of the fence from such twisted people.

Let's also take comfort in the fact there are many heroic people, giving their all, helping this planet and its inhabitants. Yet we must keep in mind how others love nothing more than to demonize such people. It reminds me once again of the great comment in Margot Adler's Neo-Pagan masterpiece, Drawing Down the Moon:

"Life celebration is always a threat to those bent on destruction".


Kelly Hills said...

-he manages to demonize all the loony right's favorite targets: environmentalists, investigative journalists, concerned politicians, the majority of the world's scientists, plus intelligent and tolerant people the world over.

He missed bioethicists. I feel slighted.

genexs said...

It's the thought that counts. ;)