Saturday, August 2, 2008

"When Eros Sings: Variations on a Theme"

In the Boston area, Desmond Ravenstone will be preaching at Arlington Street Church this Sunday, August 3rd at 11:00am.

From an email/mailinglist posting:

"...When Eros Sings: Variations on a Theme" addresses what 'sexual diversity' really means (polyamory, BDSM, etc.) and how progressive people of faith can meet the challenges this poses. There will also be a "talk-back" discussion after the service during the coffee hour in the parish hall. Arlington Street Church, a Unitarian Universalist congregation, is located at the corner of Arlington and Boylston Streets in Boston's Back Bay. Visitors are always welcome..."


Yewtree said...

Wow, very cool!

genexs said...

hi yvonne:

We performed a brief vigil during our Lammas this weekend. We sent cards to the church and I'm detailing what we did for the UUA's blog.