Thursday, January 1, 2009

Tree Lobsters make great pets

Tree Lobsters!!
BugGirl has an amazing item about the rediscovery of "Tree Lobsters", a previously thought-to-be-extinct species of Phasmid (that's 'walking sticks' to all you non-bug geeks people out there). The original article is in German.

BugGirl humorously suggest maybe people should develop a taste for these critters, therefore insuring their survival via farming. Yum! But captive breeding has worked for certain invertebrates, such as tarantulas and tree snails. Thankfully, there is group now formed, TheFriendsOfThePhasmid, that's focusing on the survival of these fascinating insects.


green_ghost113 said...

Cool post Gene.
I love BugGirl

green_ghost113 said...

ja - "hummer" in German is "lobster"
and "baum" is "tree"....
these are some interesting looking Baumhummers. ;)

Ghost Dansing said...

that is a very large bug..... here is hex bug.....

genexs said...

Ghost Dansing:

Kidstuff. I'm into Horrible Hamilton.

genexs said...

Green Ghost:

Kudos to you for diving into deep bug-geek article, in German. Entomology journal articles are not for the faint of heart. Heh!


Ghost Dansing said...

horrible hamilton is awesome......

Yewtree said...

Blimey, I thought this was a hoax along the lines of the Arboreal Octopus!

Anonymous said...

So would it be served with a rich hollandaise sauce?